Telegram plans to introduce its own version of the ‘Stories’ feature in the coming month.

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In a recent announcement, Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, revealed the upcoming inclusion of the highly anticipated Stories feature to the widely used messaging application. Responding to persistent user demand, with over half of all feature requests revolving around Stories integration, Telegram has finally decided to introduce this feature in early July.

As User Demand Soars, Stories Take Center Stage on Telegram

Embracing User Feedback, Telegram Overcomes Hesitation and Embraces Stories Despite initial reluctance due to its widespread adoption on various platforms, Telegram has yielded to user demand and made the decision to integrate the Stories feature. This upcoming implementation will empower users with control over the visibility of their Stories, enabling them to choose whether to make them accessible to everyone or restrict them to specific contacts or a select group of close friends. These stories will be conveniently displayed in an expandable section positioned atop the users’ chat list.

Enhancing User Control and Interaction: Telegram’s Advanced Stories Feature

Telegram is set to provide users with a seamless experience by introducing a user-friendly option to hide Stories posted by specific contacts. This can be achieved by conveniently moving those contact’s Stories to the “Hidden” list within the Contacts section. Moreover, users will have the ability to add captions, links, and tag other users in their Stories, amplifying the interactive potential.

A distinctive feature on the horizon will enable users to simultaneously capture photos and videos using both the front and rear cameras, adding a creative touch to their Stories.

Furthermore, Telegram users will have the freedom to determine the expiration duration for their Stories, with options ranging from six to 48 hours. Alternatively, they can opt to keep Stories permanently displayed on their profile pages, resembling Instagram’s Story highlights feature.

Telegram envisions this feature as a means to enrich user profiles and foster deeper connections between contacts. According to Durov, it will also benefit channels by providing increased exposure and attracting more subscribers, as the upcoming capability to repost channel messages to Stories will be introduced.

Following internal testing, even the initially skeptical members of the Telegram team expressed their admiration for Stories. Currently in the final testing stage, Durov anticipates that Stories will “herald a new era on Telegram,” enhancing the platform’s social media aspects.